Etablished in the Alps since 1963, MGM group is a renowned actor in high-end real estate and tourism, for its expertise, its know-how and the choice of its locations. Drawing on its 50 years of experience, the company left its mark on the alpine scenery, in which it is blending and involving. Founded and directed by a family from Haute-Savoie, enliven by true values, MGM aims today to pursue and enhance this creative inspiration for innovation, driving it every day. Interview of Nicolas Grizard, sales manager of MGM Builder.
What are the special features of MGM group ?
Its know-how and its attachment to its territory, mountain : two specifics giving MGM group a leading role in ski station development and tourism standing. We have always had a constructive dialogue with public partners and the two Savoie authorities, setting an objective of coherent development. MGM group is both developer with « MGM Builder », and manager with the « MGM Hôtels & Résidences » brand. Therefore, we come forward at every step, from the design to the commercialisation of our residences until the management of tourism residences.
Any new program launched this winter ?
Yes, we launched at the end of 2017 the commercialisation of 3 residences : Résidence Amaya in Les Saisies, in the Espace Diamant (43 apartments) ; Les Granges de l’Épinette in Vallandry, with a direct access to Paradiski (32 apartments) ; and Alpen Lodge in La Rosière, in the San Bernardo area (48 apartments). These 3 programs follow on from the development of our new generation of top end residences that we launched last season with the inauguration of Cristal de Jade in Chamonix, our first 5-star tourism residence.
What do you mean by « new generation residence » ?
These are residences enjoying a great location, with a direct access to ski slopes, a direct proximity to shops... as many asset valuation factors in the long term. Today, MGM excellence must be recognised through the quality of the location, the construction, the materials, but also through our premium services. Customised services meeting the new needs of the clientele.
L’Atelier MGM
Allée du Parmelan – La Bouvarde – BP 20059 – Épagny/Metz-Tessy
74373 Pringy Cedex
Photo credit:
©Studio Bergoend
The "Alpen Lodge" residence is located in La Rosière, the only French station in the Northern Alps to offer a Franco-Italian skiing area, the Espace San Bernardo. The domain altitude, between 1850 and 2650 metres, ...